Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

Today I took a Multiple Intelligence test to determine the level of my intelligences as related to the theory of multiple intelligences. The inventory determined that I have strengths in musical and intrapersonal intelligences. Some of the characteristics of musical intelligence are aural orientation, patterning, resonance, and audiation. These characteristics describe my personal characteristics in many ways. I am very drawn to sound, making it difficult for me to concentrate with sound distractions. I also find patterns very easily which allows me to succeed in foreign languages and pick up on rhythms easily. The characteristics of intrapersonal intelligence is affective awareness, ethical awareness, self-regulation, and metacognition. Some of the characteristics that describe me in this intelligence are the confidence I have in my abilities and myself. I am very open and share my feelings in a truthful and sincere way. I also am a very goal-oriented person and my goals are always realistic which is a characteristic of this intelligence.

Students with musical intelligence enjoy patterns and find them in the environment. They enjoy rhythms and pick up on foreign languages easily. They also use patterns to internalize and remember skills and concepts. Students with intrapersonal intelligence are comfortable with themselves, express their likes and dislikes and share their feelings. Students with this type of intelligence have confidence in their abilities, set goals, and make choices that are appropriate for themselves.

For a student with musical intelligence, there are many things to do to support them. In the classroom you could work with pattern blocks, incorporate rhythms and music into the curriculum, and bring in the study of foreign languages and patterns. To support a student with intrapersonal intelligence, there is more focus in the type of instruction instead of the curriculum. It is important to differentiate instruction, use analogies, give opportunities to set goals, provide students the opportunity to express their feelings through journals, incorporate current events into instruction, allow students to self-assess, and measure student growth.

Technologies are a very important part of teaching and they are very successful in supporting particular intelligences and learning styles. Some technologies that support musical intelligence are pattern blocks, puzzles, musical instruments, phonographs, headphones, tape players, digital sounds, pattern games, multimedia presentations, CD players, and speakers. Some of the technologies that support intrapersonal intelligence are class discussion, post-it notes, greeting cards, laboratories, telephones, walkie-talkies, intercoms, board games, costumes, collaborative projects, chats, message boards, and instant messaging.

The knowledge of multiple intelligences is very beneficial to a classroom teacher. By knowing what kind of intelligences your students have, you can determine their strengths, interests, and learning styles. This information also tells you what types of activities and technologies will best support each particular student. As a teacher, it is important to know your personal multiple intelligences and learning styles because it is common to teach to your own style and being aware of this fact will allow you to teach in a variety of styles.

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