Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Engaging Students with Concept Mapping Activities

Above is an example of a concept map. The concept map above was created to explore the activities of a field trip to the zoo. This would be helpful in making the students reflect on the adventures of the day and discover all they learned.
Concept Mapping Ideas
There are many things that you could do in a classroom to incorporate the use of concept mapping. I think concept mapping would be useful in the classroom in a variety of subjects. My ideas span across a variety of subjects from writing, literature, and science.
There are two ideas that I had for using concept mapping in the classroom with writing. One idea surrounds writing a research paper. After a topic is chosen for their paper, they will use the concept map to organize what they already know, what they need to find out, how they are researching, and what the focus of their paper will be. This will help them to focus their paper and research only what will be relevant for their subject. Another idea for using concept mapping for writing would be organizing how to write a research paper. The Concept map would simply show the organization and the things that need to be included in a good research paper.
For literature and reading, a concept map can be very helpful. It can be used to organize the main ideas of a book or character. My idea was to concept map the main character of the book Esperanza Rising, Esperanza. This map would let the teacher know if the students understood the reading and help the students make connections about the book.
An idea that fit into the science area was concept mapping the effects of going green. Students could make connections to what it means to go green and how those things effect the environment. This assignment would be to help the students understand the importance of protecting the environment, showing them that every person's actions can make a difference.
Impact of Concept Mapping
Concept mapping would have a lot of effects on student learning. This tools allows students to illustrate what they know and organize it in a way that makes sense to them. This will help students to demonstrate that they understand the concepts displayed in the concept map, specifically and as a big picture. It is helpful for students to organize and plan before beginning a bog project or assignment and this allows them to do it is a fun and exciting way. It also allows visual students an opportunity to learn in a way that help them to understand. Concept mapping is a tool that furthers student understanding and learning.
Criteria for Concept Mapping
I would not use concept mapping for every lesson in the classroom because of the amount of time it takes. I would try to save it for the areas where it would be the most helpful. I would use it for situations where things need to be compared, where ideas need to be organized in order to begin a big project, and for ideas that the children are having a hard time understanding.

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