Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Social and Legal Issues

There are many issues involved with the use of technology in the classroom. I think one issue that is very important is the use of filters and what information students should have access to on the Internet. It is important to protect students from inappropriate and inaccurate information, but it is also important to allow access to useful information. It is difficult to know where to draw the line between too much and too little protection. I think one way to do this correctly is to provide heavy protection to younger students and to allow more and more freedom as the students get older and more mature. It is important to educate the students on the proper use of the Internet, so whatever information they encounter it is handled appropriately.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Distance Education

Distance education can be looked at in many different ways. One of the positive aspects of this type of learning environment is that students who come from unstable situations are able to experience a stable learning environment with a constant curriculum. It is very difficult for students to be successful when they are missing school frequently or moving from place to place. Distance education gives these students the opportunity to experience a constant learning environment that moves throughout the curriculum with them.

While these types of students benefit from distance education, there are also come drawbacks. One of the disadvantages of distance learning is the lack of social interaction that the students receive from it. Learning how to act in different social situations is a very important tool. Many students learn these skills through public school and the interactions they experience with their peers and teachers. When students are not exposed to these interactions, they may not learn the appropriate social skills and ways to act.

There are many skills that students who are planning to participate in distance learning need to have. These students need to be responsible enough to work independently and get the work done when it is required of them. They also need to have social skills because they will not be learning how to interact with others in this type of situation. Students who participate in distance learning also need to be able to use a computer and the Internet. They need to be technology proficient to be able to navigate through the online school and get all the information that they need to know.

As a teacher of an online distance education programs there are many skills that are required of you that may not be necessary for a classroom teacher. The teacher of this type of learning environment needs to be knowledgeable in technology to be able to post the information that the children need know, communicate with the students, and create projects that take advantage of the technology used so the students are getting out of the situation everything they can. It is also important that the teacher know the content area so the students are learning the same information that a student in the classroom would be taught.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Emerging Technologies in the Classroom

There are many emerging technologies that can be useful in the classroom. Three of these technologies are wiki pages, skype/webcams, and aggregators. Wiki pages are a collection of pages that allow users to change, correct, and add to them. The most commonly known wiki page is Wikipedia. Webcams are video-capturing devices that are connected to computers or computer networks. Skype is a program that allows you to make phone calls, instant message, transfer files, and have video conferences. Aggregators are websites that keep track of websites specified by the user. It is one place to check all of the sites that interest you.

Below are web pages where you can access these technologies
All of these technologies have so many possibilities in the classroom. Wiki pages could be used as class websites, collaborative projects, or a space for students to help create a website. These pages give the teacher the opportunity expose the children to things outside the classroom. Skype and webcams could be used to facilitate conferences, interviews and collaborative projects. These technologies would make life easier for the teacher because the students would still have access to things, even if it was not possible to take a trip. It would also give the teacher face-to-face contact with parents that may not be able to make it in for conferences. Aggregators can be used to organize pages that the class uses everyday. The aggregator gives the class only one spot to check instead of browsing for each one.

All of these technologies give the classroom access to things outside of the classroom. This is going to allow students with different learning styles to thrive. The students will have a way to reinforce what they have learned through different ways. Wiki pages could be used to show the students understand a specific topic by having them get into groups and make a wiki page. Skype and webcams would enhance lessons by allowing the students access to experts and exotic places. Aggregators would allow the students and the class a way to organize their online resources. All of these technologies could be helpful to benefit student learning.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Engaging Students with Concept Mapping Activities

Above is an example of a concept map. The concept map above was created to explore the activities of a field trip to the zoo. This would be helpful in making the students reflect on the adventures of the day and discover all they learned.
Concept Mapping Ideas
There are many things that you could do in a classroom to incorporate the use of concept mapping. I think concept mapping would be useful in the classroom in a variety of subjects. My ideas span across a variety of subjects from writing, literature, and science.
There are two ideas that I had for using concept mapping in the classroom with writing. One idea surrounds writing a research paper. After a topic is chosen for their paper, they will use the concept map to organize what they already know, what they need to find out, how they are researching, and what the focus of their paper will be. This will help them to focus their paper and research only what will be relevant for their subject. Another idea for using concept mapping for writing would be organizing how to write a research paper. The Concept map would simply show the organization and the things that need to be included in a good research paper.
For literature and reading, a concept map can be very helpful. It can be used to organize the main ideas of a book or character. My idea was to concept map the main character of the book Esperanza Rising, Esperanza. This map would let the teacher know if the students understood the reading and help the students make connections about the book.
An idea that fit into the science area was concept mapping the effects of going green. Students could make connections to what it means to go green and how those things effect the environment. This assignment would be to help the students understand the importance of protecting the environment, showing them that every person's actions can make a difference.
Impact of Concept Mapping
Concept mapping would have a lot of effects on student learning. This tools allows students to illustrate what they know and organize it in a way that makes sense to them. This will help students to demonstrate that they understand the concepts displayed in the concept map, specifically and as a big picture. It is helpful for students to organize and plan before beginning a bog project or assignment and this allows them to do it is a fun and exciting way. It also allows visual students an opportunity to learn in a way that help them to understand. Concept mapping is a tool that furthers student understanding and learning.
Criteria for Concept Mapping
I would not use concept mapping for every lesson in the classroom because of the amount of time it takes. I would try to save it for the areas where it would be the most helpful. I would use it for situations where things need to be compared, where ideas need to be organized in order to begin a big project, and for ideas that the children are having a hard time understanding.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blogs and Wikis in Education

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Teacher Web Project Critique

The incorporation of a class website in the classroom impacts many aspects of student learning, student engagement, and communication with students and parents.

Student Learning: Having a class website exposes students to using a computer and the internet. Through the class website, the teacher can assign homework that has to be completed and turned in, which enforces skills in content and computer skills. A website is also beneficial to the student’s learning because it can be a tool to test what they have learned in the classroom before completing a traditional assessment in the classroom setting. Through quizzes and reflections, students can take test and get their result immediately. Student learning is benefitted by incorporating a class website.

Student Engagement: A class website has the potential of increasing student engagement. The idea of having a place online that is specifically for your classroom will excite the students. This excitement will increase their visits to the website and their participation in activities on the website. As a teacher, you can take advantage of this and offer many activities that will help the students with particular skills and techniques. These skills will help students in the classroom and allow for class discussions.

Communication with Students and Parents: A class website will increase communication with both students and parents. The website will give everyone a place to look for information before contacting the teacher directly. Information such as homework assignments, announcements, contact information, and common questions can all be provided through the class website. This website will also provide a place for students to ask questions of their teacher and peers and of parents to ask questions of the teacher. A class website ensures constant communication for all parties involved.

A class website has many advantages and disadvantages when incorporating it into your teaching activities.

Advantages: One advantage of using a class website with teaching activities is students can share the activity and their part in it with their parents and family at home. Parents are always interested in how their children are doing in school and what they are working on and this is a way of sharing that with them. Another advantage of using a class website is students are gaining knowledge in technology and in content areas. It is important for children to be exposed to technology, computers, and the internet and this is a way to ensure they are familiar with these tools.

Disadvantages: One disadvantage to using a class website with teaching activities is that not all children have access to a computer at home. If you are requiring students to work on a computer or access the internet outside of school, it may not be possible for all students. Another disadvantage of a class website is that not all parents are computer literate. If a child is working on a project on the internet or on the class website and encounters a problem, the parent may not be able to help their child.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

Today I took a Multiple Intelligence test to determine the level of my intelligences as related to the theory of multiple intelligences. The inventory determined that I have strengths in musical and intrapersonal intelligences. Some of the characteristics of musical intelligence are aural orientation, patterning, resonance, and audiation. These characteristics describe my personal characteristics in many ways. I am very drawn to sound, making it difficult for me to concentrate with sound distractions. I also find patterns very easily which allows me to succeed in foreign languages and pick up on rhythms easily. The characteristics of intrapersonal intelligence is affective awareness, ethical awareness, self-regulation, and metacognition. Some of the characteristics that describe me in this intelligence are the confidence I have in my abilities and myself. I am very open and share my feelings in a truthful and sincere way. I also am a very goal-oriented person and my goals are always realistic which is a characteristic of this intelligence.

Students with musical intelligence enjoy patterns and find them in the environment. They enjoy rhythms and pick up on foreign languages easily. They also use patterns to internalize and remember skills and concepts. Students with intrapersonal intelligence are comfortable with themselves, express their likes and dislikes and share their feelings. Students with this type of intelligence have confidence in their abilities, set goals, and make choices that are appropriate for themselves.

For a student with musical intelligence, there are many things to do to support them. In the classroom you could work with pattern blocks, incorporate rhythms and music into the curriculum, and bring in the study of foreign languages and patterns. To support a student with intrapersonal intelligence, there is more focus in the type of instruction instead of the curriculum. It is important to differentiate instruction, use analogies, give opportunities to set goals, provide students the opportunity to express their feelings through journals, incorporate current events into instruction, allow students to self-assess, and measure student growth.

Technologies are a very important part of teaching and they are very successful in supporting particular intelligences and learning styles. Some technologies that support musical intelligence are pattern blocks, puzzles, musical instruments, phonographs, headphones, tape players, digital sounds, pattern games, multimedia presentations, CD players, and speakers. Some of the technologies that support intrapersonal intelligence are class discussion, post-it notes, greeting cards, laboratories, telephones, walkie-talkies, intercoms, board games, costumes, collaborative projects, chats, message boards, and instant messaging.

The knowledge of multiple intelligences is very beneficial to a classroom teacher. By knowing what kind of intelligences your students have, you can determine their strengths, interests, and learning styles. This information also tells you what types of activities and technologies will best support each particular student. As a teacher, it is important to know your personal multiple intelligences and learning styles because it is common to teach to your own style and being aware of this fact will allow you to teach in a variety of styles.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This is my first day in T&L 445 and I will continue to use this blog throughout the Spring Semester! I am excited for this class . . . it seems like it is going to be very interesting and fun!